

Photo Credit : Ryan Green

Photo Credit : Ryan Green


Veinmelter is a new adventure for multi-instrumentalist Winston Harrison.

Winston began his musical career playing bass for singer-songwriter Gabe Dixon after they graduated from music school in Miami, Florida. After touring for many years, he began to release ambient music under the name Fuzzmuzz. Creating textural music with a very open structure just felt like the calling he had missed in his early music career. While he loved playing bass in a rock band, the calling as a bass player is to be holding things together rhythmically and harmonically all the time. Ambient music was freedom. It was a world of many sonic possibilities and surprises. 

Brian Eno’s Music For Airports was mind opening album for him. It was like meditation. He explored the sonic freedoms when he was not on the road. What was a part time exploration, soon became a passion.

All of his solo work to date has been creating slowly evolving ambient music that unfolds without a rhythmic pulse. When Winston began writing songs over some of these tapestries of sound, he found that something new was happening. Adding voice and electronic drums felt too wide space to held together under the name Fuzzmuzz. So, Winston brought together his work as textural ambient artist Fuzzmuzz with these dark and hypnotic songs to create Veinmelter. The name came from an interesting moment when someone mispronounced his middle name, which is Van Meter. But is also the title of a Herbie Hancock song. 

Winston writes the kind of songs he wants to hear: mesmeric and cinematic pieces with ambient elements. On his debut EP Still In The Air (out on 11/20), he creates a sound that evokes a dreamy landscape pulled out of a Haruki Murakami novel; you are not sure where it is taking you, but you want to follow. Textures and beats are woven together with his sweet and vulnerable voice. He is always searching for the right texture to evoke all the feelings that do not make it into words, but sometimes sounds awaken words.

Much of the thematic material comes from personal experiences that were difficult to express in other mediums. A song like “All The Waves,” -the first single out on 10/16 - opening line ‘You take the boat out in the water, and all the waves move back to me’ sets it up. “When one person is having problems and chooses to isolate emotionally, that creates turbulence for their partner. You cannot be an island in a relationship,” says Winston.

Sometimes you feel like your whole life has led you to a new adventure. In this case, it definitely has. Winston will still be trying to find that perfect texture that makes you feel like you can float off the ground. Only now it has a new dimension of expression for him.