Photo Credit: David Heart
Southern California-based producer songwriter and label head David Franz releases “For My Own Health.” The third single from his forthcoming album To The Unknown which is due out September 24th. The song is a dark look at a toxic relationship and an examination of optimism which is usually viewed as a positive feeling but can discolor reality in a failing relationship and act more like a disease. “When I realized that my own mind was playing tricks on me, telling me to stick it out in a relationship that was unhealthy,” Franz told V13. “I wrote this song to allow myself permission to leave. This song is a resolute awakening... a self-inflicted slap to the face followed by a tight embrace of self and a resolved, confident, and decisive walk away from the past.”
The idea for the song came to Franz while on out a run, attempting to burn off some negative energy from a fight with his now ex-fiancée. About halfway through the run, the lyric "my optimism is a disease, my rose-colored glasses are making me bleed" came to mind and was on loop in Franzs’ mind for the duration of the run. Once he was back at home the lyrics just started to spill out of him. “ The song wrote itself,” says Franz. “I was just the conduit to verbalize the emotion and meaning. My hope is that the song can help others that are stuck in a negative space to put some clear words to their feelings, and then empower them to be decisive about making a change. It certainly did those things for me.”
A kinetic spirit and a questing nature have been the engine to his own professional growth and learning, making him that rare creature of left and right brain parity. Creatively, technologically, and temperamentally, his passion for music and teaching has helped numerous artists navigate the choppy waters of the rapidly changing music business. An early innovator, the young Franz wrote the first book about using Pro Tools music production software and designed the curriculum for Berklee’s first online music production course based on that book. He has since written other music production books published by Hal Leonard, online courses for Berkleemusic, lynda.com and LinkedIn Learning, and articles about music for many publications. After teaching at Berkleemusic for almost a decade, Franz was hired by lynda.com first as a course instructor and then as Content Manager for the Audio+Music subject area. After LinkedIn purchased lynda.com, Franz’s position grew into covering a wider range of topics including motion graphics, animation, illustration, and video, all the while learning new video skills and creating world-class online courses. From course author at the first online school to content manager at Linkedin Learning, he’s never had a job title that existed before it was made up for his new position.
Having a voracious appetite for many different genres of music, Franz founded not one but two record labels. Underground Sun covers a wide-ranging catalog of genres but all have a foundation in soul music. R&B, rock, hip-hop, blues, folk, world, electronic and jazz all find a home on Underground Sun. Underground Sol, co-founded with DJ/producer/entrepreneur Justin Paul, is devoted solely to electronic music and the myriad genres within that broad label.
Both labels embrace and cultivate diversity and inclusivity, knowing these are not only at the core of a thriving music industry but also imperative to connecting and empathizing with all of humanity. Both Underground Sun and Underground Sol have a strong legacy of launching musicians from under-represented demographics into solid music careers. As a musician David has performed with Underground Sun artist Iyeoka in over 20 countries throughout Europe, Africa, and North America, including on the TED state. Franz spent years honing his chops on stage as a playing shows with a variety of artists including The Bleedin Bleedins and Midatlantic, throughout Los Angeles and all throughout the east coast. With the release of To The Unknown Franz is looking forward to playing live but this time at the front of the tage behind the mic.